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St George's teaching staff have been using DERIC (Decode, Explain, Retrieve, Interpret and Choice)  in order to develop children’s reading and comprehension skills.

Aims of our reading lessons:

  • Build children's comprehension skills.
  • Enable children to access the wider curriculum.
  • Teach grammar in context, linked to text types wherever possible.
  • Engage children, developing their vocabulary through reading.
  • Enrich children's experiences and interaction with a wide range of texts, including classic, modern texts and stories/poems from other cultures.

At St George's, children also have access to a wide range of reading books in levelled stages, which have been grouped according to reading age to enable pupils to progress at their own pace through the levels until they become 'free readers'. 

 Recommended Reading Lists: '100 Best Books' for children of all primary ages

Click here for the Book Trust weblink, which features recommended best books for 0-5 year olds, 6-8 year olds and 9-11 year olds. Here is also a link to Book Trust's latest 'Great Book Guide'. Happy reading!


The children can borrow books from our own library selection, too. 


questions when reading with a child.pdf