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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In our Reception class (Acorns), we follow the national guidance for all children aged 0-5 years, as do our colleagues in the Pre-School.

  • The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework sets out the standards for development, learning and care of children from birth to five. The curriculum is planned in seven areas of learning and development; all areas are important and inter-connected.

  • The EYFS Framework has undergone a reform, that came into practice from September 2021. The changes have been made to help improve the outcomes for 5 year olds and improve language development for all children.

There are 3 prime areas, which are:

Communication and Language

This involves giving children a wide variety of opportunities to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves, and to speak and listen in a range of situations. 

Physical Development

This involves providing opportunities for children to develop their co-ordination, control and movement. Children are also helped to understand the importance of physical activity and how to make healthy choices. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This involves helping children to form positive relationships and develop respect for others, as well as developing social skills whilst learning how to manage their feelings. Children develop an understanding of appropriate behaviour and to have confidence in their own abilities. 

There are then four specific areas tat support and strengthen the three prime areas:


This involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. in April 2022, we started using the 'Sounds Write' phonics scheme of work to teach our EYFS and KS1 children.  


This involves providing children with a wide range of resources and opportunities to develop their skill and confidence in counting, understanding and using numbers, simple addition and subtraction problems and to describe shapes, spaces and measure.

Understanding the World

This involves supporting to children to make sense of the physical world around them, through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about their community, people, places, technology and environment. 

Expressive Arts & Design

This involves enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. This also includes encouragement for sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas through a variety of activities in music, art, dance, role-play and design and technology. 


The EYFS curriculum is designed to support children’s natural curiosity and develop their enthusiasm for learning. These areas of learning will be introduced and developed in ways that are suitable for young children, incorporating well-planned ‘learning through play’ in both the indoor and outdoor environments to encourage challenge and enjoyment.

We have a statutory duty to ‘baseline assess’ children within the first six weeks upon entrance to Reception class. Children are also continuously assessed throughout their time in the Reception class and the outcomes of the assessments are recorded to form each child’s end of Foundation Stage Profile, which also is a statutory requirement. Teachers and Teaching Assistants undertake assessments in a sensitive and supportive manner so children are typically unaware of this ongoing practice.

The Foundation Stage prepares children for learning in Key Stage 1 and is consistent with the National Curriculum.

At St George’s, we are proud of the relationships we have with our children and we are careful to ensure that each child’s next unique learning steps are planned for and that the children are well supported on their learning journey.

Our classrooms and school environment, alongside excellent relationships, ensure that the children can thrive, explore, question and take safe risks. St George’s children are truly engaged and motivated learners! 

Supporting your child at home

As a parent you are your child’s very first teacher! In school, we strive to develop excellent relationships with the children and this includes developing excellent relationships with parents, too. To ensure your child’s happiness, well-being and development, we believe that we should work in partnership. It is always a pleasure to receive parental feedback, so please tell us about your child’s interests and achievements outside of school. We aim to ensure that our activities address your child’s interests and needs, and your input, either verbally or through home-school notes, help us to match learning opportunities to what best motivates your child.  

Staff are available to talk before and after school. If you wish to ask a question, perhaps about supporting your child’s reading or about their progress or friendships, we are more than happy to spend some time with you. No question is unimportant. 

We are committed to ensuring that you are kept well informed about what is happening in school and to support you when talking to your child at home. Please take some time to look at the Curriculum Map for EYFS so you are aware of our half-termly topics and foci in each area. 

Snacks and drinks in school

All of the infant children at St George’s benefit from the Government’s free Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.  Each day a piece of seasonal fruit or vegetable is provided for the children for their daily snack. The children regularly have carrots, apples, pears, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, baby cucumbers, satsumas, bananas and raisins. Please ensure that the school is kept informed about any allergies.  Children may bring in an additional healthy snack to have in the afternoon.

In class, children are encouraged to drink freely from their water bottles to water their brains and keep them busy for longer!