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PTA & Friends of St George's

We are very lucky to have a very enthusiastic and energetic PTA and Friends of St. George's. The members and friends work tirelessly behind the scenes in order to raise money to provide much needed resources in order to both support our School Development Plan, as well as offering contributions towards trips and organising fun activities for our children to enjoy. Without the PTA, the all important extras would not be able to happen. The PTA is always keen to welcome new members on board to help in as small or as big a way as possible. Please get in touch with the PTA to offer your support as 'every little helps'. A team work approach enables 'more hands on deck' and ultimately even more fantastic opportunities to be created and achieved for our children.

The PTA is currently funding online licenses for all children in the school to access Doodle Learning and also pay for our Lexia licenses, which children use across the school to enhance their reading and spelling.

Key Members of the PTA

Annual General Meeting was held at 3: 15 pm on Friday 11th October 2024 to assign/confirm the following roles:

Chair: Jess Hart-Shea

Vice Chair: Marie Mooney

Secretary: Janine Drayson 

Treasurer: Sue Torniainen

Minutes Secretary: Tor Benfield