Governance at St. George's
The role of the Local Governing Board of St George’s CE Primary School and Pre-School is a strategic one, and its key functions are to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school;
- set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives;
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives;
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives;
- be a source of support and challenge to the Senior Leadership Team (a critical friend);
- be ultimately accountable for welfare, well-being, safeguarding and education of all the children at St George’s, and for the health and safety of our whole school community.
Each individual governor is a member of the Governing Board. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing Board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Board.
The Headteacher (Mrs Katy Astle) is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of St George’s School and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Board. She is also a member of the Governing Board.
Chair: Mr Richard Purchase
Vice Chair:
Clerk: Mrs Hazel Serkis
Staff Governor: Mrs Claire Hollard
Foundation Governors: Mrs Kathryn Hollidge, Reverend Lindy Cameron, Mrs Angela Bell
LA Governor: Mr Richard Purchase
Parent Governors: Mrs Zoey Ingarfield, Ms Poppy Maltby
Ex Officio Governors: Mrs Katy Astle (Headteacher)
The Governing Body have established 2 sub-committees to support the role of the Full Governing Body (FGB). Any Governor is able to attend any Committee meeting, but the core membership of each group is shown below:
Full Governing Body: all governors (see list above)
Environment Committee: Mr Richard Purchase (Chairman), Mrs Katy Astle (Headteacher), Mrs Kathryn Hollidge.
Strategic Planning & Policy Committee: Mrs Katy Astle (Headteacher), Mrs Kathryn Hollidge, Mr Richard Purchase.
In addition to participation in the various Committees listed above, individual Governors also take a lead responsibility for specific aspects of the school. Some of these roles are statutory - for example safeguarding, SEND and H&S - whilst others have been determined by the Full Governing Body (FGB) to deliver an effective and appropriate structure to achieve the high standards of governance at St George's School that we aspire to - click below to see details.
Please click here to see our Governor Roles Responsibilities.
Declaration of Business & Personal Interests
This is a statutory document for the Governing Body to ensure that governors not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially. The Governing Body has a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests/affairs and those of the school. There is a legal duty on all governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting and for the governor concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered.
Governors are required to complete a 'Declaration of Business Interests' on appointment and this declaration is reviewed annually. These are maintained as a Register of Business / Pecuniary Interests. Additionally, as an item on the agenda of every Governing Body and committee meeting, Governors are required to state whether they have any such interests.
The register enables governors to demonstrate that in spending public money they do not benefit personally from decisions which they make.
2023-2024 LGB Meeting Attendance -StGeorgesPrimarySchool
download_for_offline2023-2024 LGB Meeting Attendance -StGeorgesPrimarySchool
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- Register-of-interests-St Georges Church of England Primary School 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRegister-of-interests-St Georges Church of England Primary School 2024-25
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