Welcome from the Headteacher
Thank you for visiting our website and welcome to our church school.
At St. George's CE Primary School, children are at the heart of the school. We want to inspire our children to love learning and therefore are passionate about making learning fun and meaningful. How fortunate we are to be located in the wonderful Isle of Purbeck, with its World Heritage Jurassic coastline on our doorstep facilitating such a fantastic love of living and learning. We pride ourselves on offering children lots of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Whatever the season, there’s so much to love and learn from simply ‘living in the moment’ and experiencing the outdoors. That’s why we have a strong connection with the Forest Schools project, too, so children of all ages can
Our hardworking team endeavour to provide children at St. George's with the best possible educational experience from Reception through to Year 6. All members play a part in creating a supportive, safe and stimulating learning environment, within a caring Christian community. We are proud to offer an environment with a strong community spirit. Staff, governors, parents, carers and many willing volunteers work together for the benefit of our pupils. We have a thriving and enthusiastic PTA working tirelessly to provide so many extras for our children.
We aspire for our ideal Year 6 leaver, upon leaving St. George's, to have learnt to be compassionate towards others, honest, reliable and resilient in order to cope with and overcome obstacles faced in both school and life. It is our intention to inspire our children to think about the wider world and how we can make it a better place for all, so that children learn to develop positive relationships and life-skills required to become confident, independent, caring and trustworthy citizens, who celebrate diversity.
As an all-inclusive school, we respect differences by learning to listen carefully to others, whilst being prepared to forgive others for mistakes in a non-judgemental way. We strive for the very best outcomes for all of our pupils, whatever their individual starting points and backgrounds, not only academically, but on a personal level, too. Our school's Christian values of 'Love, Respect, Compassion and Togetherness' permeate through all we do.
Our recent Ofsted report (April 2023) reported what it was like to attend our small village school: 'Pupils are proud to be a member of St George’s. The strong Christian values are brought to life in the school’s work. Parents speak highly of the school, describing it as a school with ‘an excellent ethos’.
Leaders have high ambition for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They ensure everyone has the support they need. As a result, pupils are motivated to learn.
Pupils uphold the school values in all they do. They are calm, respectful and considerate of others. They know the school rules and behave well in lessons. Older pupils enjoy being role models for younger pupils at playtime. Pupils feel safe at school because staff help them if they have any concerns.
Pupils learn a lot about their local area, such as the use of sea defences along the Jurassic Coast. They take part in community events to support the school. Pupils delight in ‘Love your school’ days. The whole school community comes together to enhance the learning environment. This partnership results in a sense of belonging.'
We encourage you to come and visit us by arranging an appointment with the school office. You will find a warm and welcoming school, full of children with a sense of pride, who are happily engaged in well-planned and purposeful learning.
I look forward to meeting you.
Best wishes,
Mrs Katy Astle