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St George's CE

Our Welcoming Church School

St George’s Church of England Primary School, established upon Christian foundations, and living out the Christian faith, is committed to providing every child with an excellent education.

We have established close ties with St. George's Church, Langton Matravers. Our pupils enjoy visiting the church throughout the academic year, as well as partaking in public performances celebrating religious events, such as the Harvest Festival, Nativity and Easter.

We welcome guest speakers to whole school worship and are lucky to have ties with several local church representatives, who freely give up their time to both promote and celebrate our religious themes each half term. 

Our termly plans for Collective Worship during the academic year 2023-2024 are linked to our vision, whole school values and other Christian values, which support spiritual and moral development in our school.  We plan our worships with the help of our Year 5 and Year 6 Worship leaders.

Please see below links to relevant policies:

Collective Worship Policy

Spirituality Policy

Religious Education Policy


Our Christian values and faith lead us to fulfil our commitment to our children by: 

  • Creating a secure, caring and forgiving environment
  • Striving to provide excellence in teaching and learning to enable each child to realise his or her full potential
  • Valuing and respecting each and every individual
  • Fostering a sense of curiosity and excitement about the world in which we live
  • Equipping every child with the life skills and confidence to make a positive contribution and to exercise each individual's gifts and talents
  • Nurturing respect for other faiths and understanding how the Christian faith is distinctive
  • Working in partnership with home, Church and the wider community
  • Experiencing worship, thankfulness, celebration and prayer at the heart of school life

In summary, everything we do is underpinned by the four Christian core values found in our school community: Love, Respect, Compassion and Togetherness.

SIAMS Inspection

We have a SIAMs inspection approximately every five years to assess both the overall quality of our provision as well as the Christian ethos and distinctiveness of our school. Please click here to access our most recent inspection report.  

Our most recent SIAMS Inspection on January 18th 2024 reported that "the inspection findings indicate that St George’s Church of England Primary School is living up to its foundation as a Church school." 

The report shared some particular key strengths:

▪ ‘St. George’s is a warm and welcoming village school.’ 

▪ ‘The school’s inspiring vision shapes the rich curriculum offer and makes excellent use of the local area of Purbeck.’ 

▪ ‘The school’s vision makes a positive impact on the flourishing of pupils.’ 

▪ ‘Pupils are passionate about taking care of their local areas.’ 

▪ ‘Parents appreciate the sensitive and thoughtful manner in which they care for pupils with more complex needs.’ 

▪ ‘Pupils, staff and parents are united in their sense of belonging and togetherness’; ‘They are proud to be part of this loving community.’ 

 ‘This is a place of welcome, where priority is given to treating one another with care, dignity and respect. The associated Christian value of ‘togetherness’ lies at the heart of this small school and creates a sense of community among pupils, staff and parents.’

 School Vision

Our school vision is based on John 10:10.  Please see below for more information about our vision and how we live out our vision within our school and wider community:

vision sgps.pdf


st georges school vision statement.pdf